Thursday, October 12, 2006


These last few days it seems my life is just about work, work, work!
Have almost no time to do anything else than that. The job at the office is busy, busy and then I come home and have to do all those housekeeping chores...yak..
So, the only time I have left to do some reading is on the train. Just finished my 3rd Haruki Murakami: East of the Border, west of the sun (yes, I am getting very addicted to this Japanese author)
C. has shipped an edition of a Battlestar Galactica book, so I'm looking forward to start reading this novel written by Peter David who is already a good Star Trek-author. Curious to see what he has done with my favourite Galactica ladies...
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Anonymous said...

I KNEW I had this bookmarked somewhere!! This is ArieSemir from :) OMG I just got sucked into Battlestar Galactica this season, and I LOOOOOOOVE IT! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi!

Lady Epona said...

Thanks honey for taking a look at my blog.
Sorry for writing a lot in Dutch here but not everyone of my pals are fluent in English. By the way, last weekend I spent some time in Paris and I had to think of your wonderful story again. I miss your FF, but I hope you will come up with something very soon.
Big hug from Brussels