Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Finished reading not just one but two BSG novels: “The Cylon’s Secret” and “Sagittarius is bleeding”.
(C. has surprised me by shipping much more than I had asked for. Did I tell him already that I love him?!)
The first novel focuses on a much younger Tom Zarek as the story plays around 20 years after the War and I quite liked it. By the way, I went through some BSG-blogs and I have the impression that Richard Hatch is growing fast into one of the more popular sexy male characters in this series. In any case he has aged well and his new role as charming anti-hero terrorist is much more interesting than the role he played in the old seventies-Galactica series as the heroic Apollo (although I must admit that more than 20 years ago I had a little crush on him as well!). Too bad I have to wait so long to see more interaction between Zarek and Roslin. I hope that the rumors of the possible death of Zarek are totally wrong, as he is one of the more fascinating characters in the story so far.
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“Sagittarius is Bleeding” has Laura Roslin as major character and this novel by Peter David is once again very good in its genre. Peter has a clear understanding of all the major roles in the new BSG-realm. This book is better than good and I hope David is going to write more of BSG.

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