Friday, August 21, 2009

More Todd

As promised....more Todd.
A penpall formulated her obsession with Todd as follows:
He has the same qualities as a vampire: i.e. (almost) immortal, sucks the life out of his victims and can give life and immortality back when he decides his mates are worth it; he can read your thoughts so he knows everything about you, even your darkest secrets imagine that; he is 1.93 m tall, he dresses in the finest genuine shark-leather coats (poor sharks!) has long bedroom-styled hair and the eyes of a cat. And lets not forget The Voice (by the way, Christopher changed his own normal voice all by himself into the typical hoarse Wraith-voice: no electronics were used to deform the sound of his voice as is done with the other Wraith) and then there is the fact you will never know whether he is actually a bad or a good guy.

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