Sunday, August 30, 2009


Kennen jullie hem nog: Baron Pierre Louis le Bris?
Als ik jullie zeg dat zijn artiestennaam Pierre Brice is dan zal er wel een belletje gaan rinkelen bij de mensen van mijn generatie.
Ja hoor, Winnetou. Als kind en tiener was ik gek op hem en ik moet zeggen dat hij op zijn 80ste er nog altijd goed uit ziet. Baron Pierre is momenteel nog altijd actief als Unicef ambassadeur voor Frankrijk.
Waarom Winnetou vandaag op mijn blog? Wel ik droomde vannacht dat ik in Nevada in zijn gezelschap (de jongere dan) aan het rond galopperen was. Waarschijnlijk de nasleep van het feit dat ik gedurende zeker 20 jaar van mijn leven een enorme deurposter op mijn slaapkamer had hangen van Winnetou op zijn zwarte paard. Je kunt in slechter gezelschap vertoeven in je dromen, niet. Paarden en een knappe vent, zucht, dromen hé.

Friday, August 21, 2009

More Todd

As promised....more Todd.
A penpall formulated her obsession with Todd as follows:
He has the same qualities as a vampire: i.e. (almost) immortal, sucks the life out of his victims and can give life and immortality back when he decides his mates are worth it; he can read your thoughts so he knows everything about you, even your darkest secrets imagine that; he is 1.93 m tall, he dresses in the finest genuine shark-leather coats (poor sharks!) has long bedroom-styled hair and the eyes of a cat. And lets not forget The Voice (by the way, Christopher changed his own normal voice all by himself into the typical hoarse Wraith-voice: no electronics were used to deform the sound of his voice as is done with the other Wraith) and then there is the fact you will never know whether he is actually a bad or a good guy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Todd

I spent almost 2 days just watching the very final 5th season of Stargate Atlantis on DVD.
Now I have very mixed emotions concerning this SciFi series: very sad that the series came to an end after only 5 years but also glad that a lot of episodes of the final year had my favourite Wraith as the main character. Happy to see that he survived all the action, and his presence in Atlantis in the final episode can give some inspiration for good fanfiction. And who knows, maybe we will see Todd back in the SG Atlantis movies if Christopher Heyerdahl wants to come back. If he is able because I just heard that he will play Marcus in the 2nd Twilight movie about Stephenie Meyers Vampire series.
My favourite episodes of the 5th year are "The Queen": Teyla Emmagan literally crawls into a Wraith skin to play Todds's Queen in a plot to seek an alliance with the Primary Queen and becomes an unwilling but graceful assistant when Todd kills the High Queen. Yes, Todd always has his own hidden agenda, he simply forgot to mention he wanted to become the ruler of them all; and "Vegas": an alternate universe episode about John Sheppard as a cop investigating gruesome murders in Las Vegas. Todd is very poetic and utterly crazy in this episode.
Following clip has been made by WraithLollipop. I will include another clip in the next days with Christopher Heyerdahls' magnificent Wraith voice and humor.

Thursday, August 06, 2009



Quick Star was gisteren in zijn show-element. Als er een mooie dame (Elsie) naar hem staat te kijken begint hij op de wei spontaan zijn truukendoos te repeteren. Zie je mijn Spaanse pas? Ik kan nog veel meer hoor.
Altijd leuk om de paarden zo in hun zomervel bezig te zien.
