Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Mood: like the weather. It should be mid-summer but it is grey and rainy in Brussels.
Many ideas for some lovely smutty Lucius/Hermione fanfictions after
re-reading "Damage" by Josephine Hart and re-viewing the movie with Jeremy Irons and Juliette Binoche. I can imagine that theme would fit Hermione perfectly after being married to Ron for some years. Who better to have a passionate and destructive relationship with than our luscious Lucius. However I can't seem to find time to put anything on paper. This is my last week before 2 weeks of annual leave. My holiday will be blocked completely by training with Quick Star and cleaning my house. If the weather is better I might just sit back in the garden with the cat in my lap to read the hundreds of books still lying around allover the house. Maybe I will find some time to write about Lucius and the white peacocks in his garden...
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