Tuesday, September 12, 2006


C. gave me the DVD's from season 1 and 2 of the remade series BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. So I am spending much of my free time in watching one episode after the other..and I must admit it's fantastic. I did not like the old Seventies-series very much because the Cylons were so obviously humans dressed in plastic and metal. The special effects in this series however are up to date and that makes a lot of difference. The actors are all great and the scripts are very good so far. It's not and will never be the polished Star Trek but the reality of life is huge in this SCI-FI series. Yes, there's lots of sex and violence in here, but it is never over the top. So I am looking forward to season 3. I love the fact that Richard Hatch who played Apollo in the old series plays now a anti-hero in the new series. I love Number Six who is a superb human-Cylon the way Seven Of Nine in Star Trek Voyager was a superb human-Borg. The female president is great, Gaius Baltar is handsome and great in his disturbing love for Number Six. The female Kara "Starbuck" is great. But my favourite is Olmos who plays a huge Commander Adama. Applause for this series...
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