Tuesday, July 31, 2007

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I want to slap someone, anyone. Too much work and too little time to do the job.
Fortunately I'm on leave Thursday and Friday and the weather should be good enough to spend some quality time with Quick Star.
Reading: HP and the Deathly Hallows for the 2nd time...
Listening to: Brian Ferry...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


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Just a couple of days after the appearance of the Deathly Hallows and JK tells us that she will "probably" publish a HP encyclopedia. YEAHH, I KNEW IT!!!
It will take a while no doubt, but there will be lots of goodies in it. Hope it will be a huuuuuuuge book.
Cuddles to JK!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Nog wat Harry Potter gekte foto's

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In Sydney legde men een speciale stoomtrein in om de fans naar de boekenwinkels te vervoeren.

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In TelAviv zijn het vooral de volwassenen die vechten om een eerste exemplaar te bemachtigen

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Ook in Berlijn meer volwassenen dan kinderen

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Nog leuke foto's uit London waar ongeveer 500.000 fans samenkwamen om die ene nacht mee te maken. Vooral de dame in Azkaban-gevangenis plunje trok mijn aandacht.

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En uiteindelijk de Leading Lady herself tijdens de Moonlight Reading, stralend, maar waarschijnlijk ook heel verdrietig diep van binnen...het zal waarschijnlijk nog heel lang duren voor ze nog eens zoiets wereldomvattends kan realiseren. Profiteer van een welverdiende vakantie JK, maar denk toch maar al eens na over iets nieuws om over te schrijven, please, pretty please, ASAP

Monday, July 23, 2007

Thank You J.K. Rowling

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Well, what can we say but thank you, thank you, thousandfold thanks to JK and her genius. HP and the Deathly Hallows fulfilled all my expectations and more.
90 % of my predictions came true and that is proof that I really understood right from the beginning of the story where she was going with the plot of Life and Death.
Sad (but expected) of course that Snape had to sacrifice himself the way he did but Harry's words: "He was probably the bravest man I ever knew" make up for a lot.
And so happy happy that my slippery hubby lives and all is well.
Starting to re-read book 7 today to see if I missed something...

Friday, July 20, 2007

HP 7 Almost there!

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They are waiting waiting... London is buzzing with exitement...Hundreds of fans are already in the streets eagerly awaiting the Midnight Hour.
Some of them, even Flemish readers are camping in the London streets already from Wednesday... Great exprectations...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


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Nog 3 keer slapen en we kunnen beginnen lezen aan Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Ik heb genoeg voer en koffie/thee in de keukenkast gehamsterd om een paar dagen en nachten door te komen. Nu nog genoeg zakdoeken strijken om de tranen op te vangen. Zowat alle uitgevers en audio-boek inlezers die het boek al gelezen hebben geven grif toe dat ze aan het eind zitten huilen hebben...dus bij mij zal dat niet minder zijn.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Order of the Phoenix rocks!

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So, here are my first impressions of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the Movie.
Great, rocking movie but no longer for little kiddies. The overall acting in this movie is great and Daniel puts on a very angry and frustrated Harry, just like in book 5. Outstanding performances by the entire adult cast. They have clearly all grown into their characters.
Alan Rickman is Snape the way we like him, sarcastic and velvety voiced. The way he faces Dolores is breathtaking. Imelda Staunton is Dolores Umbridge in a very sadistic way. I shivered when I saw her sitting in that chair enjoying the torture of the lines being written into the hands of DD’s Army.
Gary Oldman is sweet as Sirius. Ralph Fiennes is very scary as Voldemort, especially dressed in a nice handtailored Muggle-suit with tie!
I would have loved to see more of Helena Bonham-Carter as the sexy but utterly crazy Bellatrix.
The real revelation of this movie concerning acting is Evanna Lynch. She truly is Luna Lovegood. Loved her voice, her attitude, her sweetness… all of it.
And then of course we have the performance by Jason Isaacs. He makes Lucius Malfoy hot hot hot!!!
Softly spoken, upper-class gentleman and pureblood, he gives you the impression of being a softly natured pleasant guy, while at the same time you can feel his murderous heart bubble in his chest. Scary and sexy all the way. I loved the way he sweetly persuades Harry into handing over the Prophecy at the Ministry of Magic. And the leather outfit is indeed great on his body.
The SFX of the movie are impressive without being over the top. The battle in the Ministry is very action-driven and the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort is breathtaking.
Overall I give this movie 4 stars on 5. David Yates did a great job of the most difficult book to film so far in the series. Be warned: the movie is dark and very, very adult and prooves that the story has now evolved into serious adult stuff. Life in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in his 5th year has become harsh and grimy real.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


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Just a couple of hours and tonight we see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Very very very curious to see what David Yates did with this difficult book and ofcourse very curious to see my hubby in action.
Yesterday evening did some superb Liberty training with Quick Star. Very happy that he is so intelligent, especially after the bad news with my hips. I am going to focus on the groundwork instead of riding. He loves to roll over and already takes up a whip from the ground, now he just has to learn to do that on command and to bring it over to me. That will take time...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Only 7 days to go!

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Only 7 days and the Premiere of Harry Potter 5 Movie hits my town. The Weasley twins are coming to Brussels on Saturday for the official Belgian premiere but I wiil not be there. I will probably only move my lazy bum to go to a premiere in my capital city if/when Jason Isaacs or Alan Rickman would be coming, but I think that is to much to ask for.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cavalia - Action

just reminding myself that they are back in August and September

Monday, July 02, 2007

3 weeks to go!

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So, will he live or will he die? Good or evil? Only 3 weeks to go and we know..
Had a lovely birthday-party with Denis and Magda on Friday-evening.
Saturday Hilde and Rita came to visit Quick Star and I think they have fallen in love as well..
I have been washing Quick on Sunday-morning thanks to the lovely weather and spent the rest of the day in the garden, baking in the sun with Masaya Kato in my lap.
Watched the Concert for Lady Di on the BBC channel in the evening and was a little bit disappointed with the stars performing. I did like my good "old" boys though: Brian Ferry and Rod Steward are still going strong.
And now it's raining again, probably for the rest of the week...yuck