Tuesday, February 27, 2007

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I am reviewing the entire Buffy and Angel series and I still like all of them. After all these years I am still in doubt about our 2 vampires. Who was really the best fit for Buffy: Angel or Spike.
No doubt about whom I would have chosen: both of them at the same time... or am I too wicked now?

Monday, February 26, 2007


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Zaterdag gaan dineren met de Strootjes en ons moe in het Japanse restaurant Ichiban in Aalst. Heel lekker en toffe sfeer, dat gaan we dus nog doen.
Tijdens de rest van het weekend niet veel anders gedaan dan in de zetel gelegen en gelezen. Ben nu begonnen aan "The Concubine's Tattoo" van Laura Joh Rowland, het 4de boek in de Sano Ichiro samurai detective reeks. Haar boeken worden steeds beter en beter...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Wishing you were here

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I have been dreaming about You last night and that is reminding of Lady Ono no Komachi's verse:

Hito ni awan tsuki no naki yo wa
Mune hashiribe ni
Kokoro yaki ori

No way to see him
On this moonless night
I lie awake longing, burning
Breasts racing fire, heart in flames...

Thursday, February 22, 2007


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Terug van het karnaval. Prachtig weer en een fantastische sfeer.
Mijn nieuwe PC op het werk is een fantastisch machientje...joepie...
Aan het lezen: Hannibal Rising van Thomas Harris... gruwelijk mooi zoals al zijn vorige Hannibal boeken.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


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Life has been hectic lately. My PC at work is doing very strange things so I have asked a new one, and guess what, today a replacement arrived. Installation will follow.
Masaya Kato the cat is still having a great time at home, so I am very glad he's still there and doing fine.
Saturday: Sales at Kaat Tilley: WOW, spending time...