Thursday, December 28, 2006


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I enjoyed a very good Yule-dinner and the always enjoyable company of the Strootjes and Magda, Denis and Kim.
I am having lots of fun reading my 3rd Sujata Massey: The Flower Master. This author is book by book becoming one of my most favourite writers after JK Rowling.
Yesterday I ordered the 7th Harry Potter at and today The Leake Cauldron reported that the book was already noted Nr 1 bestseller after only 8 hours of being available for Pre-order. And JK is still writing the thing...
Masaya Kato (the cat) is alive and kicking and I must say special thanks to C. for sending me the movie "The Seventh Floor" with Masaya Kato (the actor). Yes, life is getting complicated with 2 Masaya's drifting around...

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Yule

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Happy Yule to all of you from Masaya Kato and me.
If you go to the Yule ball, dont behave like a bunch of You-Know-What-Babboons!
No, don't make me repeat that...

Thursday, December 21, 2006

HP 7

We finally know the title:

Lots of dead people in it I guess...
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Monday, December 18, 2006

Relaxing weekend

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The long weekend was super! I woke up Friday morning very early (6.00 AM) to clean the entire house, went shopping at around 10.00 and was at home for the rest of the 3 days. Listening to music (Mozart and U2) and playing with Masaya.
I finished reading Sujata Massey's first novel : The Salaryman's Wife. Very good if you like modern Japan and murder-mystery. In fact it was so good (funny and sexy as well) that I ordered all her next novels immediately with Amazon...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Still there!

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Well, Masaya the cat is still living with me. That makes a whole week now. He seems to have adapted very well to my being out of the house the whole day. At least I have a long weekend coming up. Yippie, three days at home, except for the food and kittylitter shopping...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Masaya the Cat

Thursday evening on my way from work to home, a gray tabby cat with white feet followed me more than three streets far, walked into my house (I was cleaning the sidewalk, so I had left the front door open), jumped on the kitchen table and begged for food. The weather outside was very stormy and wet, so I opened a can of tuna and fed the adorable cat. Result: he’s still there. Purring and acting as if the entire house belongs to him. One problem: he’s wearing a collar, so he must belong to someone. Anyway, an entire weekend of searching around for his boss has not been successful. So I guess he will stay for now. I named him Masaya Kato, because I was watching Aragami that night (again!). And he seems to like the name Masaya very well. It’s good to have a cat in the house again. I just hope I won’t have to give him up soon as it is still possible his former bosses claim him back… Just wait and see...
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Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I had a very vivid dream last night. Actually it started as a true nightmare, with me being pursued in a large building by some unknown person doing lots of bloody horror-movie things to the inhabitants of the appartments. And then who was there to suddenly save my ass in a spectacular way? Masaya Kato of all people... and all of a sudden my nightmare turned into a wonderful sexy dream... thanks Masaya for walking around in my dreams!
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